Privacy Policy

    Legal Documents

    IUX Trading Limited (hereinafter the “Company,” “IUX Trading,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Anti-Money Laundering (hereinafter the “AML”) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (hereinafter the “CTF”) compliance. In adherence with laws and regulations requirements, the Company ensures it obtains, verifies, and records information that identifies each person or entity opening an account (hereinafter the “Client”). This process aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Company’s internal systems and controls, addressing any deficiencies and ultimately combating the laundering of criminal proceeds, the financing of terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
    the process of converting funds received from illegal activities (such as fraud, corruption, terrorism, etc.) into other funds or investments that look legitimate to hide or distort the real source of funds.
    Before entering the foreign exchange or stock market, you should be fully aware that risk is the natural event in trading and investing and must take into account risks and other factors affecting financial volatility. Trading on margin carries a high level of risk to your capital. Not only do you increase your capital, but it may cause you to lose all your capital. You should be aware that margin trading is not suitable for all investors.
    1.1 This Sanction List Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) is entered by IUX TRADING LIMITED (hereinafter the “Company,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) with a commitment to carrying on business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. This includes complying with all applicable trade sanctions regulations (“Sanctions Laws”) in the countries in which we operate.
    1.1 The Agreement is entered into by and between IUX Trading Limited (hereinafter called the “Company”) on the one part and the Client (which may be a legal entity or a natural person) who has completed the Account Opening Application Form (hereinafter called the “Client”) on the other part.